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yoga anatomy & therapeutics immersion 


August 26 - 28, 2019


This 15 hour Yoga Anatomy & Therapeutics Immersion will equip yoga teachers and students with expanded knowledge of the anatomical body and a toolbox of therapeutic techniques to address some of today’s most common musculo-skeletal issues.


Using an approach based on Anatomy & Biomechanics, Universal Alignment Principles of Anusara Yoga, Physiotherapy and Therapeutic Bodywork - we will investigate the body through the lens anatomical structure, function and movement in relationship to commonly practiced yoga postures. A multifaceted approach to learning include therapeutically informed asana, yoga breathing, partner work, fascial self-mobilization, overhead anatomy projection and more.

An effective teaching approach balances direct personal mind-body experience with theoretical study and each day include a full therapeutic asana practice session every morning. Furthering the exploration of creating a balanced approach to yoga practice and daily living - we will also touch upon associated psycho-energetic patterns that impact our practice and capacity for vibrant health, healing and happiness.


Receive guidance from a highly experienced teacher who draw from more than 35 years of personal mind-body practice and 25 years of teaching.

“Three days is a short time to cover such an important, fascinating and huge topic - but when quickly getting to the heart of the matter - the results are often remarkable.”
                                                                                                                                      -  Jonas Westring


* Anatomy of Key Myo-Fascial & Skeletal Structures
* Therapeutic Alignment Principles for Asana
* Effective & Safe Hands-on Assisting and Adjusting
* Therapeutic Techniques for Common Injuries
* Investigate Habitual Patterns & Tendencies
* Yoga Injury Management & Prevention

Participants should not expect to be healed from personal problems, injuries and other issues during this course, but will leave empowered and equipped with an overall improved body-knowledge supported by effective therapeutic techniques. This paves the way for a more skillful approach to the complexity of issues that arise in the body in daily life and in all styles of yoga around the world today.



Daily Schedule
Morning Session 09:30-12:00: Therapeutically Informed Practice
Afternoon Session 14:00-16:30: Anatomy Study & Therapeutic Applications

Day 1 (Monday) – Lower Body: Foundation, Legs, Hips, Knees, Ankles, Feet

Day 2 (Tuesday) – Middle Body: Pelvic Girdle, Spinal Column, Diaphragm, Core

Day 3 (Wednesday) – Upper Body: Shoulder Girdle, Arms, Elbows, Wrists, Hands



About Jonas 

Jonas Westring, originally Swedish with decades in the USA and Asia, began his yoga journey in 1981 at the Scandinavian Yoga School based on the Bihar School of Yoga. He has an unusually well-rounded and extensive background in the holistic field as a Licensed Physiotherapist, Yoga Therapist, Certified Anusara Yoga Teacher Trainer, E-RYT 500, and is founder of Shantaya Yoga & Bodywork School in Chiang Mai, Thailand that teaches 200-hour and 300-hour Teacher Training Programs certified by Yoga Alliance and Anusara School of Hatha Yoga. Using the effective and systematic Anusara Yoga method as his main teaching path, he also has experience in many other styles including Ashtanga Vinyasa, Iyengar Yoga, Kripalu Yoga, Integrative Yoga Therapy and more. Jonas brings to his teaching not only a multitude of yoga styles and therapies but also a background in clinical physiotherapy. With a solid education in western medicine and 35+ years experience of holistic healing modalities and personal practices from the east, he is able to integrate both perspectives into his educational teachings. Jonas has also been a pioneer in spreading the Thai healing tradition through a Thai Yoga Certification program he created in the USA in 1998 that has trained thousands of students in therapeutic yogic bodywork informed by physiotherapy and yoga. He enjoys transmitting the essence of yoga, bodywork and therapeutics with an light-hearted educational, anatomical twist as travels to many venues around the world. Jonas is known for his insightful, joyful teaching style that emphasizes students’ educational advancement as well as giving them a clear, valuable personal experience of yoga.


Wild Alaska Yoga Fest
Wild Alaska Yoga Fest
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